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Solution of Hammerhead Vibrating for Hammer Crusher

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Date: 2016-12-26

Hammer crusher is a kind of ore crushing machine used for ore crushing in gravel production line. The hammer crusher is used to crush the ore and other materials through high speed rotating hammerhead. Hammer crusher production, try a lot of broken ore types, but shanghai joyal mining machinery remind the user hammer crusher in the process of crushing the ore may occur in the machine vibration problems.

Hammer crusher in the process of crushing the ore hammer crusher vibration is relatively large situation is caused by a variety of reasons, including hammer crusher in the crushing process of the ore hammer head caused by uneven wear and tear hammer Crusher vibration problems.Here joyal talk about this phenomenon.

Hammer crusher in the process of breaking the rock because the hammer is a hammer crusher to break the rock of the main parts, so when breaking the hammer crusher hammer crusher hammer crusher is the main wearing parts. Hammer crusher hammer wear is not the same, the rotor can not balance the operation, or hammer broken, these phenomena will lead to hammer crusher vibration problems.

If the hammer crusher hammer crusher because of the uneven wear and tear caused by hammer crusher in the process of breaking the rock vibration problems, the user needs to replace the damaged hammer and the replacement of the new hammer to ensure that the weight and the opposite The weight of the hammer head is equivalent.

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