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PVC & Cable additives,Calcite Powder Grinding Plant

In PVC and cable production industry, people usually add some additives to improve their quality. Calcite is one ingredient that could be added to PVC and cable production, our company could offer you the right grinding equipment to grind the raw calcite to suitable size. If you have any question, please feel free to chat with us online for free.

PVC & Cable additives,Calcite Powder Grinding Plant

Additive is the material that dispersed in the molecular structure of plastic. It will not affect the molecular structure seriously, but can improve their properties and could reduce the cost. Crushed calcite powder with fineness of 800mesh is popular additives for both PVC and cable.


Materials: Calcite Powder
Fineness Requirement: 800 mesh
Offer Equipment: Trapezium Mill , Ball Mill , High-pressure Grinding Mill , Raymond Mill

If you need to grind the raw calcite to 800 mesh, we recommend to you using our company's XZM Ultrafine Mill or MTM130X Strengthened Ultrafine Mill. Big raw calcite first be crushed into small pieces, then they are fed into XZM ultrafine mill or MTM130X strengthened ultrafine mill for grinding. Both of these two grinding mills can grind the calcite to 800mesh. To see how these two grinding mills works, please click XZM Ultrafine Mill and MTM130X Strengthened Mill.

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