1. Preparation work before installation:
① Clear the dust in the oil channel and oil hole.
② Check to make sure the dust seal and oil retainer are good.
③ Check and make sure there is no breakage on the finished surface. The bowl-shape shaft bracket should be tight to the base frame and check the
tightness of the horizontal contact surface using the spacer gage.
The installation of the lubrication device
1. The lubrication device can be installed as the assembling drawing and also the device can be installed as specific condition locally, however the assembling drawing and tools needed should be prepared by the buyer.
2. To assemble the lubrication device, first to make sure the lubricating oil returns smoothly.
3. The lubrication device should be installed before installation of the crushing cone crusher machine part, because if any problem of lubrication device, it is easy to fix or maintain.
4. The device adopts electric refrigeration S155 type thin-oil lubrication station